thoughts about music and getting a little older

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Universe is Stupid and Other Immature Thoughts From a Mature Woman


         During college my negative view of life, love and the world around me was fueled by the music I listened to. The Dead Kennedy’s, The Clash, Black Flag, X, Sex Pistols, Minutemen, The Germs and The Buzzcocks provided the soundtrack to my nihilistic belief that there was no god, the world was a dangerous place and we wander around in sadness until we die. Did I mention I was a philosophy major? The universe appeared vast and meaningless and Ronald Reagan was president.
         The nineties rolled around and I had my first of three children. Suddenly the universe didn’t seem so bleak after all. Life was brimming with possibilities. Those screams were going to turn into songs. Scaling the living room bookshelves turned into a love of hiking. I was too busy changing diapers to worry about the future and too sleep deprived to care. The Sex Pistols sounded so angry and I was trying to keep it quiet at my house so the baby would take a nap and I could rest.
         With not enough time to listen to college radio I lost touch with new music in the nineties. Whatever I did end up buying came as a CD but I still lugged my whole record collection around  each time I moved because I was sure I could never part with all that vinyl. When I was pregnant with my third child and my oldest was 7 and youngest was 3, I thought it would be a good idea to get rid of any albums I had with inappropriate or curse laden lyrics.  I didn’t want my 2 girls to inadvertently put on P.I.L or The Germs. We listened to Jonathan Richman, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Arlo and Woody Guthrie and lullabies from around the world when they were sick, anxious, bored or sleepy.
         Now my youngest is 13 and lists The Ramones and the Clash as his favorite bands and has learned the bass lines for many of their songs. Macklemore’s Thrift Shop is on everyone’s Ipod (f-bombs and all) and we even go to concerts together. My oldest just turned 21 so  now she can have a beer the next time we see Father John Misty together. Musical F-bombs are the least of my worries.
         In the last four months two incredible young people were suddenly yanked away from my circle of friends: a beautiful and wise 20 year old master debater and future policy maker and a sweet and kind 21 year old guitar playing economics major.  Their deaths were sudden and with proper and prompt medical care might have been avoided but no one can know for sure. I can't fathom a universe that allows this to happen. The only coherent thought I have come up with this week is that the universe is stupid. These two young adults had so much to give the world through their kindness and talents.  Don’t even get me started on the Newton, CT school shooting. 

         I’m angry at the stupid universe and I am still not sure about the existence of God  but I am not reaching for the Sex Pistols or the Germs today. Today’s sadness soundtrack is full of James Blake, Field Report, Jeremy Messersmith, Peggy Lee and a dash of Phantom Vibration.